Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tiger Town Tavern

A regular name on College Ave. strip, Tiger Town Tavern (or Triple Ts, as it is commonly referred to) is probably one of the better known Clemson bars.

Founded by J. C. Cook, Tiger Town Tavern first opened its doors in the fall of 1978 on the premises of the former 'Study Hall' (also a bustling sports bar & grill, just appropriately named for a college town). The location has seen a variety of businesses and tenants dating all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century when the upstairs of the old 'Feed Bag' was rented out as student and young professional apartments. Although originally half its current size, Triple Ts has since expanded into the former Pizza hut franchise and is still known as having the 'old lounge' and 'new lounge' parts of the bar.

As with all local businesses in the college town, much of the establishment itself plays off of its customer's loyal and reverent love for their Clemson tradition. The University's mascot is humorously depicted in a drunken caricature sitting atop of frothing mug of American beer that represents the bar's logo (designed by former bartender and manager Marshall Feimster). Although originally the locale served food, its main emphasis was undoubtedly on the bar. When the US legislature passed a bill in the mid 1990s increasing the legal drinking age to 21, Tiger Town Tavern underwent extensive renovations to update its kitchen services and today offers a full fledged varieties of food stuffs. The menu is filled with delectable food items all cleverly (and not so cleverly) named after famed Clemson athletes and leaders.

The upstairs of the building has served as a private club, Top of the Tavern, since 1995 but answers to my questions on this matter were dodgy at best.

Tiger Town Tavern is best known as a rock & roll bar that is easily one of Clemson's most well known, 'places to be'.

Tiger Town Tavern
368 College Ave.
Clemson, SC 29631

* Accreditation to ClemsonWiki and Tiger Town Tavern for their contributions to the article.

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